Rediscovery of Crepidium crenulatum (Orchidaceae) from the Western Ghats, India

Aazhivaendhan G., Rajasekar C., Karthikeyan A.V.P., Jeevith S., Kottaimuthu R. & T. Senthil Kumar

Published on : 30-Jun-2024



Crepidium crenulatum (Ridl.) Sushil K. Singh, Agrawala & Jalal (Malaxidinae: Orchidaceae) was known only by its type collection made by R.H. Beddome from Nilgiris and was not recollected after 1888 from the type locality or any other places in the Western Ghats. Botanical surveys carried out in the grasslands of Pakasura Hills, led to locate the presumably extinct Crepidium crenulatum, after 132 years of its establishment. An amended description based on our recently collected specimens, and a photo plate of the species, is presented.