Precursory studies on the orchid flora of Myanmar with one new species and thirty eight new distribution records
Hubert Kurzweil* and Paul Ormerod
Published on : 30-Jun-2018
The new species Calanthe kermodei is described here. In addition, thirty eight new distribution records in the genera Bulbophyllum, Bulleyia, Calanthe, Chrysoglossum, Cleisostoma, Crepidium, Dendrobium, Galearis, Goodyera, Habenaria, Herminium, Liparis, Malaxis, Neottia, Nephelaphyllum, Oberonia, Oreorchis, Pogonia, Ponerorchis and Zeuxine are reported. All of the newly recorded species are found in adjacent countries, and their occurrence in Myanmar is therefore not surprising.