Studies on Zingiberaceae of N.E. India: II Notes on Etlingera Giseke

Ved Prakash & Sunil Tripathi

Published on : 01-Jan-2022



The genus Etlingera Giseke (1792) and its type species E. littorale (Koenig) Giseke was described from Thailand based on Amomum littorale Koenig (1783). It remained unrecognised till few years back when Burtt and Smith (1986) recircumscribed and re-established by uniting three genera viz. Achasma Griffith (1851), Nicolaia Horaninow (1862) and Geant/ms Veleton (1914) under it. In India, it is represented by two species viz., E. linguiformis (Roxb.) Smith and E. loroglossa (Gagnep.) Smith; both occur in N.E. region. Earlier, these species were treated under Amomum (Baker, 1890), Homstedtia (K. Schum., 1904; Rao & Verma, 1972) and Achasma (Larsen, 1981) and thus reflected the controversy in generic assignment. Critical studies based on fresh collection from Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh, resulted in better understanding of taxonomic characters. The paper highlights the generic delimitation, and provides detailed description of the two Indian species.