A Checklist of Stenoendemic Angiosperms of Tamil Nadu
Stalin N., Irwin S.J. & Narasimhan D.
Published on : 30-Jun-2024
DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.22244/rheedea.2024.34.02.02
Inventory of endemic species is sparse in the country and lacks state-wise assessment and nationwide compilation. Here, we report a comprehensive record of the stenoendemic angiosperms of Tamil Nadu and highlight the priority areas for conservation. A critical perusal of existing literature points out that 272 endemic taxa belonging to 138 genera representing 59 families and ten diverse clades of APG IV. Maximum numbers of endemic taxa are from Cyperaceae and the genus Impatiens. Endemic plants are concentrated in the floristically rich Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, covering the areas of Tirunelveli, Nilgiris, and Coimbatore districts. The vegetation gradient occurring at the Western Ghats hill slopes of Tamil Nadu is a home for many centres of endemism that provide a micro-habitat for speciation. Out of 272 endemic taxa reported, 71 of them are classified under the IUCN threatened category, that include Critically Endangered (33), Endangered (32), Vulnerable (5) and Extinct (1), representing taxa that demand a high priority for conservation. Evaluation of conservation status based on IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria showed that endemic taxa in micro-endemic centres of Tamil Nadu is facing a high risk of extinction due to the decline in population size, area of distribution, habitat fragmentation, and anthropogenic pressures. Therefore, the current study on the inventory of endemic species will be helpful to implement appropriate conservation strategies.