Additional morphological notes and molecular-phylogenetic support for the distinct status of Deinostigma cicatricosa and D. minutihamata (Gesneriaceae)

Möller M., Bui H.Q., Linh L.T.M., Atkins H.J. & D.J. Middleton

Published on : 11-May-2020



During a recent molecular-phylogenetic revision of Deinostigma, material previously included in Chirita minutihamata D.Wood was assumed to belong to two different entities, Deinostigma minutihamata (D.Wood) D.J.Middleton & H.J.Atkins for material collected in Vietnam and D. cicatricosa (W.T.Wang) D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller for material from China, although without supporting molecular evidence for the Vietnamese taxon. Here, we provide results in support of this decision in the form of a molecular phylogenetic analysis that includes material of D. minutihamata recently collected in Vietnam. This analysis shows that D. cicatricosa is more closely related to the other Chinese species, D. cyrtocarpa (D.Fang & L.Zeng) Mich.Möller & H.J.Atkins, than to the Vietnamese D. minutihamata. We also provide amended detailed descriptions of D. minutihamata and D. cicatricosa.