Systematic relevance of seed macro and micromorphology of Evolvulus (Convolvulaceae)
Santos F.D.S.*, Xavier L.P., Arruda E.C. & M.T. Buril
Published on : 31-Dec-2024
Evolvulus is one of the largest genera of Convolvulaceae, and most of the morphological traits evolved independently, making many of its species quite similar. Macro and micromorphological characters of the seed surface of 40 species were analyzed under a stereomicroscope and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The sampling considered both morphological and distribution ranges of species. Nine characters varied among species and were compared by clustering (UPGMA) to investigate their sharing among the species studied. The variable seed traits show clear phenotypic differences among the species whose vegetative and reproductive traits are similar. In relation to infrageneric classification, seed morphology such as concave periclinal walls and smooth anticlinal walls shows a close affinity only between the species of E. sect. Linoidei and E. sect. Lagopodini. The results highlight the taxonomic importance of seed morphological traits to clarify the interspecific delimitation in Evolvulus.