Beilschmiedia keralana sp. nov. (Lauraceae), from Chemunji hills, Kerala, India

Robi A.J., Anoop P. Balan & P.S. Udayan

Published on : 30-Jun-2024



A new species of Beilschmiedia Nees, viz. B. keralana Robi & Balan from India is described and illustrated. Beilschmiedia keralana is morphologically similar to B. jacobii Robi, Udayan & S. George, but differs by its tree habit, silky-pubescent terminal buds, 10–13 mm long petioles, attenuate or cuneate bases of leaves, wavy margins, 7–11 pairs of lateral veins, orange flowers, shorter pointed fruits with sparse lenticels and smooth fruiting pedicels.