Foliar epidermal features and their taxonomic significance in ten species of Hypericum L. (Hypericaceae)

Bir Bahadur & N. Rama Swamy

Published on : 01-Jan-2022



The leaves in the ten species of Hypericum L. are simple, ovate to lanceolate. Leaf shape. size. types of stomata and their percentage, frequency of stomata/mm2, stomatal index have been investigated. The species H. aegypticum, H. olympicum and H. montanum are with ovate and amphistomatic leaves; H. patulum var. forestii and H. humifusum are with ovate and hypostomatic leaves; H. androsaemum and H. patulum are with lanceolate leaves having idioblastic sacs; H. mysorensis and H. kalmanium are with lanceolate leaves but without idioblastic sacs, and H . empetrifolium is with linear leaves. A key based on morphological and epidermal characters is provided for identification of the species.