Volume 20(1)2010
Published on : 30-Jun-2010
Published on : 30-Jun-2010
Book Review: Flowering Plants of India: Dicotyledons Volume 1 (Acanthaceae – Avicenniaceae)
D. Narasimhan & P. Dayanandan
Abstract DownloadPogostemon raghavendranii (Lamiaceae), a new species from Anamalai hills, India
Murugan R. & C. Livingstone
Abstract DownloadEriocaulon wayanadense (Eriocaulaceae), a new species from Kerala, India
Vivek C.P., Swapna M.M. & K.K. Suresh
Abstract DownloadA new species of Carex (Cyperaceae) from the Kashmir Himalaya, India
Ehtisham ul Haq, Dar G.H., Wafai B.A. & Anzar A. Khuroo
Abstract DownloadA new species of Cleistanthus (Euphorbiaceae) from Andaman Islands
Balachandran N., Gastmans W.F. & T. Chakrabarty
Abstract DownloadDalbergia sericea (Leguminosae – Papilionoideae): A new record of introduction in Southern India
Predeep S.V. & A.P. Balan
Abstract DownloadOn the identity of Jansenella griffithiana (Poaceae)with a new species from Western Ghats, India
Yadav S.R., Chivalkar S.A. & K.V.C. Gosavi
Abstract DownloadA new variety of Morus macroura (Moraceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India
Upadhyay G.K. & A.A. Ansari
Abstract DownloadRediscovery of Pogostemon nilagiricus (Lamiaceae), a steno-endemic and critically endangered aromatic species
Murugan R., Ravikumar K. & C. Livingstone
Abstract DownloadSyzygium claviflorum (Myrtaceae) – A new record for South India
Shareef S.M., Geetha Kumary M.P., Santhosh Kumar E.S. & T. Shaju
Abstract DownloadSolanum cordatum (Solanaceae) – A new record to Southern India
Ramachandran A. & M.B. Viswanathan
Abstract Download